Weeknights, 7pm/c – 12am/c
Tune in every weeknight to “WSM at Night” as we continue the tradition of classic country music on the WSM airwaves with a live show featuring your calls, requests, and emails. Hosted by Jeff Hoag.
Hosted by Jeff Hoag
Though born north of the Mason-Dixon Line, Jeff Hoag has always been a passionate performer and student of Country Music. After numerous radio gigs in New York, Jeff originally moved to Nashville in 2003. He was asked to join a touring band in 2005 as their lead guitar/mandolin player and songwriter. The constant touring and over 200 concerts performed each year until 2011 allowed Jeff to see much of the US, as well as parts of Europe. Returning to Nashville in 2014, Jeff was asked to fulfill a life-long dream and join the WSM family.
Jeff is an avid record collector, musician, songwriter, reader, and baseball enthusiast. His mission has always been to share his love of traditional Country Music with those who already appreciate it, but especially those who may have never given it a chance. Working his dream job at WSM provides the perfect platform.
Have a song you want to hear?
Leave your request below and you just might hear it on WSM By Request on Friday Night!